Some of our partners allow you to claim and verify the pages on their stores. Check out the below link with more info:
You can claim and verify your Artist profile on Spotify by following the instructions detailed in this article here.
iTunes/Apple Music
You can update your artist image directly through Apple Music for Artists, if we’ve distributed your music. Read our guide on this here.
Biography information on iTunes/Apple Music is currently handled through TiVo.
You can update your artist image & more through Shazam for Artists.
Amazon Music
You can update your artist image & more through Amazon Music for Artists. Read our guide on this here.
Google Play/YouTube Music
To manage your profile on YouTube Music, claim your Official Artist Channel through MusicDigi by following these steps.
Updating your artist pic & bio is done through Spotify for Artists. Read our guide on this here.
Other Services
Most other services get their artist image/bio information from the TiVo. They provide bio and review information to stores including iTunes, Spotify, and other outlets.
To learn more about our services, and to sign up, click here.