In order to protect our relationships with the major music stores some content is restricted and will not be distributed by MusicDigi such as the following, but not limited to:
- Extremely sexual, violent, misogynistic content.
- Content that promotes, celebrates, or calls for violence against a group of people or person.
- Content that is pornographic.
- White Noise audio (ie: White Noise, Brown Noise, Pink Noise, etc.).
- Atmospheric sounds (ie: Rain, Thunder, etc.).
- AI-generated content
- Spoken Word (Human's speaking without music).
- Content intended for Hypnosis.
- Meditation, chants, etc.
- Subliminal content.
- Audio that contains advertisements.
- Sound-alike artists or performers
- Public domain content
- Content you don't have the rights for
- Content using trademarked materials (i.e. iTunes, Apple or Spotify logos, etc.)
- Extremely short tracks.
- Content with generic artist names.
- Content with generic music or generic track titles.
- Content with artist names that simply describe the underlying audio track.
- Content with metadata implying its use for meditation, sleep aids, or other environmental sounds. (Rain, Thunder, Atmospheric soundscapes, etc.)
- Content that implies or makes claims to medical benefits of the audio.
- Any content intended to be listened to by a customer 24/7 including loopable content.
- Sound Effects.
- Content that is solely related to the production of other musical content (Click tracks, metronomes, etc.)
MusicDigi has sole discretion on deciding whether content falls into the categories of restricted content listed above or any other situation that we or the music stores determine in the future.